Monday, March 8, 2010

Learning Second Language as Adults Experiment

Kaushanskaya, M. "Bilingualism Reduces Native Language Interference During Novel-Word Learning." Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning Memory and Cognition 35. 829-35. Scholar Search: Articles and More. 8 March 2010.

This article is the layout of an experiment about learning a second language. Learning a second language is harder for adults because their first language has already been engrained in their brain. Meaning that they can comprehend what letters make what sounds and what organization of what letters creates a word or an object. The experiment compares and contrasts monolinguals and bilinguals. It seemed that the bilinguals scored better with learning a new language than the monolinguals. But not by much. (They didn't actually "learn" a new language. They were more given sounds with an "english translation.)

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