Monday, March 8, 2010

Sensible, Effective Immigration Answers

Forbes, Steve. "Sensible, Effective Immigration Answers." 177. 9 (2006): 23. Web. 8 Mar 2010. .

In this article, the author tries to communicate what should be done on illegal immigration. He starts by establishing that it is a problem that we need to deal with, and then goes into the many different ways in which people are trying to deal with it. For example he talks about a new bill that had just been passed that would make it an 11 year process for an illegal immigrant to receive citizen status in the U.S. Part of that procedure would be for the immigrant to learn English. Then he goes into giving his opinion on some other immigration issues. He states that students who have a job offer in the U.S. should automatically get to stay even though they don’t have citizenship, and the U.S. should start a guest worker program which would allow upwards of 400,000 immigrants to come to our country on a work permit. Finally he points out that part of the reason why people want to come to the U.S. is because Mexico’s economy is stagnant and would be much better off if it were easier to start a business there.

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